Upcoming events

Somatic Astrology w/Aziz
Join Somatic Practitioner and Ayo's Somatic Network member, Aziz Bisanz, for an in person monthly exploration of somatics and astrology for melanated changemakers! Learn about the astrology reading for the upcoming month, process what's up from the last month, and learn somatic practices to support you as you reflect and prepare for the weeks ahead! This month we will be diving into the sign of Scorpio and the somatic practices that may offer support and healing to us during Scorpio season.
To register: This event will be FREE for Ayo’s Somatic Network members. Members click here to RSVP. Nonmembers click here for tickets and receive a 30% discount!

Seasonal Herbal Remedies with rowan emmanuel - Election Edition
Come together, share and learn about seasonal herbal remedies to support you through the fall season + the upcoming election! Explore the healing properties of herbs, connect with other melanated changemakers, and make your own seasonal herb spray! Whether you're looking to nourish your nervous system, uplift your spirit or simply enjoy the benefits of natural remedies, this event is perfect for beginners and seasoned herbal enthusiasts alike. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your connection with nature, discover the power of plants and have some herbal support as we move through Nov 5th!
Facilitated by full-spectrum support birth companion, herbalist, cranio-sacral practitioner, and co-director of Spiral Collective, rowan emmanuel (they/them)
To register: This event will be FREE for Ayo’s Somatic Network members. Members click here to RSVP. Nonmembers click here for tickets and receive a 30% discount!

Weekly Somatic Practice Live
Tune in to the Ayo's Somatic Network home page for a weekly live! Together we will practice self regulation and resourcing techniques to help us ground, center, and mitigate stress and burnout throughout the week. See you there!